Saturday, November 19, 2011

Alaska 2011

Had another great trip to Alaska over labor day weekend this year. My friend Aaron joined me and we stayed with Andy.
We were able to fly over to the Italio River again and stay in Bob's fishing shack for 2 nights. It was quite the adventure. We had a lot of rain, but did catch lots of big silvers. The bad weather did limit our ability to fish on the ocean, so we only caught one halibut.
It was great to see Andy, Trace, and Cherie. I cannot wait to go back.

Snake River

Dad, Adam, and I fished the snake river in August. I took my drift boat when I went to climb the Grand Teton and planned on floating the Snake River and flyfishing.
The first day we floated through Teton National Park. You cannot beat the scenery during this float with the Tetons towering behind you, and we also caught native cutthroat trout. The weather was in the 80s, which is hot for that area.
The second day we floated below Jackson. The float was in a canyon with faster water. Still beautiful, but closer to roads and fishing was not as good.
We enjoyed this so much we will try and make it an annual trip.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Twin's backpack trip

Savannah, Sohpia, and I had our own short overnight backpack trip this summer. We didn't hike very far into the forest, but had a pleasant evening. They are very cute.
I bought them each a harmonica and they had a great time around the campfire.

Wind Rivers 2011

I am attempting to catch up on some of my adventures this summer and fall.
The first is the backpacking trip to the wind rivers. Danny and his son Luke, joined Isaac and me for a 3 night backpack trip into Smith Lake basin. I had been in there before with Gordon and others and we did a gear drop for that trip.
This time we carried all our gear. The weather was good, but the bugs were the worst I've ever had in my life. There was some bug that landed on you and crawled up your arms or legs, (even if they were covered), and bite you many times that left huge marks. Don't know what it was, but it made the trip almost unbearable.
We did catch lots of fish and had a great time.
Jecca had a terrible time with the bugs. Her whole body had bites after the trip and due to her age she was exhausted by the time it was over. I included a picture with her on the way out. Her eye got infected and she laid right in the dusty trail, too tired to care.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Green River

The April Green River trip this year turned out to be very cold and poor fishing. Because of all the snow this winter the flows were much higher than normal and that made the rapids quite fun.
We did enjoy the float both days and tried to stay warm. My drift boat works great, we just need better weather next year.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Fly Fishing

Time can really fly sometimes in your life. I looked at the date on the last post and I realize that I had better add new posts.
I bought a drift boat this spring for fly fishing and have used it several times. 3 trips to the Green River and one to the North Platte.
I floated the North Platte River up by Casper, Wyoming in March of this year. It was cold weather, but we did manage to catch a few big fish. Here are some pictures from that trip. My friend Aaron Johnson is my fishing partner on this trip.