Sunday, September 30, 2012

antelope hunt

Antelope hunting with the kids

I spent exactly one day antelope hunting with my kids. I had a buck and doe tag and my area was a two hour drive from Cheyenne. Emily stayed home and so it was just me and the kids. If you are not picky about the size of antelope, then you can usually fill your tage within a matter of a few hours. It was a blast having the kids with me and Isaac took a lot of pictures. Antelope is an acquired taste, but I have learned to take care of the meat properly and enjoy the organic meat.(fed no hormones, antibiotics, lived a life of dignity, etc.)

Friday, September 28, 2012

One night we left our nice big tent and bivouacked at 11,600 feet. Jason had a small tent, but I just had my bivy sack. I barely stayed warm enough through the night. We didn't have a fire that night, and I must say the stars at that altitude were amazing.

Colorado Elk Hunt

I just finished an interesting trip. My friend Jason, does this high altitude archery elk hunt every year in Colorado. Southwestern Colorado, 60 miles from Durango. He has been asking me every year to come with him. Basically we have an outfitter drop us off after a 3 hour horse ride straight up into this basin. He has a nice big tent with a stove inside. We hunted for 7 days. Did i mention the base camp is at 11,000 feet. It only took 3 days for me to catch my breath, and then I felt good. By the 7th day, I felt strong and the lungs felt excellent. When I got home, I noticed that I lost 9 pounds. We had many close encounters with large bull elk, but it is very difficult to get an elk to come close enough for a bow and arrow. I had a great time, but will not do this hunt again.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Crab feast

I have never eaten that many crab legs before, but they tasted so good, that I couldn't stop with just one. As you can see from the pictures, I was not the only one in a feeding frenzy.

Alaska 2012

One day out on the ocean, we checked Andy's crab pots(he hadn't checked them in 30 days). He has 2 pots and one was totally empty, but the other had 16 healthy crabs. It was funny watching Andy and CJ get them from the trap to the cooler without getting pinched.

Alaska 2012

I had a great time over labor day visiting Andy and his family. CJ met me there and we enjoyed hanging out together and fishing. The fishing was slower this year, but the silvers were larger. Some of the pictures are foggy due to the rain on the camera lens, but you can still see enough.