Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wind Rivers

The highest lake in the basin had the best fishing for us.  I named it cutthroat lake, because it was the only lake that contained this trout.  While we were fishing, we kept a fish for lunch, but after knocking it on the head, it swam 20 feet from the bank, but and then died.  I didn't want to see it go to waste, so I swam out and got it.  The water was very cold to say the least, but I did need a bath.

Wind Rivers

We had a great time in the Wind River mountains last week.  The group included my friend from high school, Danny, and his 8 year old son Luke and my son Isaac, age 12.
We picked a trail out of Lander, Wyoming.  It was 8.5 miles into Stough Creek basin, with 2100 feet gain.  It was described in my hiking book as moderately strenuous, and I would agree.   This basin has 30 lakes and ponds.  They never named any of the lakes in fact.  I forgot my map, so it was fun exploring the basin and finding different lakes.  In fact, we caught fish in 9 different bodies of water, not including the streams.  We spent 4 nights and had a great time.  We experienced one bad day of weather with 4 hours of rain and hail and lighting hitting all around us, other than that the bugs were not bad and the fishing was really good.  Isaac caught many fish, and he doesn't even like to fish.  We ate fresh brook trout everyday for lunch.  We rarely saw people, even though they were scattered throughout the basin. 

Wind Rivers