Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Cards

I have noticed that there is a trend for people to send Christmas cards and instead of a family photo, you get pictures of their kids. I have to wonder why they would not include a picture of themselves(the parents)?
I know some people may not want others to see themselves going bald, obese, pregnant, what. If you see my mug on a picture, then it can't get any worse than that, plus I hate having my picture taken.
A lot of blogs don't include pictures of the parents, but that doesn't bother me as much because usually people don't mail me a blog.
Maybe in the future people will just include a picture that is such an extreme close up that all you see is an eye or a hand.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

1st elk hunt a success

Dave and I drew a limited entry elk hunt in the snowy range 90 minutes west of Cheyenne. I took several trips up there this summer fishing and scouting for elk. I never did see any this summer, but did see a nice bull at 8:30am on opening morning. It was an exciting moment, however, I never have seen one up close and it is huge!! It took two days to get him back to the truck. He was over a mile from the trailhead.
Emily is alread making some jerky with her dehydrator. Emily and I usually process the meat ourselves, but due to the size of this we will have it professionally done.
A great weekend and I was able to come home early because I filled my tag.
Next week is the deer hunt...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

1st ever antelope hunt

I have never been antelope hunting before, but since I moved to Wyoming(which has the largest population of antelope in the country) I decided to give it a try. My friend Dave and I drew a tag north of Rawlins, Wyoming.
If you've ever driven through Wyoming you can see antelope everywhere. So it should be easy to get one. It's a different story when you're away from the road and trying to get close to them. They have excellent eyesight and can see you over a mile away. It was however one of the easier big game hunts that I've had. I had mine within 4 hours of hunting and Dave had his later that afternoon. It was fun and we plan to do it next year. We now have a better idea what a big one looks like and will try for a bigger one next fall.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Green River flyfishing

In May of this year, two of my high school friends and I went flyfishing on the Green River below Flaming Gorge. We floated the river two days and caught many fish. It was great weather and we hope to do it again.

My own blog

By popular demand.(actually by CJ only), I have decided to start my own blog dealing with my outdoor activities. Emily is doing a great job on the family blog and I don't want to disrupt that blog.