Sunday, October 12, 2008

1st elk hunt a success

Dave and I drew a limited entry elk hunt in the snowy range 90 minutes west of Cheyenne. I took several trips up there this summer fishing and scouting for elk. I never did see any this summer, but did see a nice bull at 8:30am on opening morning. It was an exciting moment, however, I never have seen one up close and it is huge!! It took two days to get him back to the truck. He was over a mile from the trailhead.
Emily is alread making some jerky with her dehydrator. Emily and I usually process the meat ourselves, but due to the size of this we will have it professionally done.
A great weekend and I was able to come home early because I filled my tag.
Next week is the deer hunt...


Cheryl said...

Oh my word, that is a big fellow! You are going to want to stay in Wyoming forever.
I bet that elk wouldn't have fit onto a 4 wheeler or our new Rhino.

Angie said...

Way to go, putting the meat on the table. I hope that it is good, of course Emily can make anything good.

CJ's Rant said...

Jeez dont you ever work